JNTU K B.Tech/B.Pharmacy 2-1,2-2 Sem Academic Calender For A.Y 2017-2018 (2016 Admitted batch). JNTU K 2-1 & 2-2 sem Academic Calender
JNTU K B.Tech/B.Pharmacy Academic Calender
Academic Calender for II year I & II semsterB.Tech/B.pharmacy Courses During the acadamic Year 2017-2018 we are providing you below
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Academic Calender for II year I & II semsterB.Tech/B.pharmacy Courses During the acadamic Year 2017-2018 we are providing you below
JNTUK B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 2-1 Sem Academic Calendar
Commencement of Class Work:
I Spell of instructions :
12-06-2017 to 05-08-2017
I Mid examinations:
07-08-2017 to 12-08-2017
II Spell of instructions:
14-08-2017 to 07-10-2017
II Mid examinations:
09-10-2017 to 14-10-2017
Preparations & Practical Examinations:
16-10-2017 to 21-10-2017
End Semester Examinations:
23-10-2017 to 04-11-2017
Commencement of class work for II Semester:
JNTUK B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 2-2 Sem Academic Calendar
Commencement of Class Work:
I Spell of instructions :
20-11-2017 to 13-01-2018
I Mid examinations:
15-01-2018 to 20-01-2018
II Spell of instructions:
22-01-2018 to 17-03-2018
II Mid examinations:
19-03-2018 to 24-03-2018
Preparations & Practical Examinations:
26-03-2018 to 31-03-2018
End Semester Examinations:
02-04-2018 to 14-04-2018
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